Hi, and welcome to the self-paced math class orientation. My name is Janeen Apalatea and I am one of the instructors in the Math Learning Center. This orientation is designed to introduce you to the class, to give you information that you need to know in order to be successful, and to get you started in your online materials. The self-paced classes that we have here in the Math Learning Center are designed to allow you to move through a class as quickly as you want. Students often finish a class before the semester is even over. Some students even finish two or three classes in one semester. While you are allowed to go through a class quickly as you would like, you are NOT allowed to move through the class any slower than your set testing deadlines. The Math Learning Center is a place where you can come to study, to get help, to ask questions, to use the computers, or to do all of your learning, Or you can just show up when you need to take your Quizzes and your paper-and-pencil Exams. During our open hours there is always at least one staff member there to help you. I hope you find the rest of your orientation informative and interesting. While you are going through the rest of your orientation, please have your Orientation Worksheet out in front of you. Welcome to your self-paced math class.