Faculty FAQs
How do I include information in my syllabus and Canvas course about TLC services?
- Students are more likely to use our services if you encourage them and share what
we offer that can help them succeed! Here are some ideas for how you can help direct
students to our services:
- Post reminders and announcements in Canvas, and remind students during lectures.
- Create an extra credit assignment for enrolling in The Learning Centers Canvas course and ask students to take a screenshot of the tile in their Canvas Dashboard.
- Import the Writing Center Canvas page from the MiraCosta College Commons directly to your course (includes all the important
Writing Center information and links in one easy location).
- To include a blurb about The Learning Centers in your syllabus, copy and paste the
text below:
- The Learning Centers
The Learning Centers offer a variety of free academic support services to help you succeed, including drop-in and scheduled tutoring and writing feedback sessions, as well as workshops.-
- Tutors at the Academic Support & Innovations Center and STEM Learning Centers encourage students to develop effective study skills and assist students with related course content.
- At the Writing Center, students can write, read, revise, and practice speeches or presentations, all with the guidance of writing consultants. They offer support for any writing assignment at any stage of the process, including personalized grammar lessons, and help creating those vital personal statements for scholarship and transfer. You can also upload a paper and receive brief video-based writing feedback, where a coach talks about your paper and shows you how to improve it on-screen.
- Locations:
- Oceanside Campus Learning Commons (1200 building), first floor
- San Elijo Learning Commons (100 building)
- CLC Learning Commons in (100 building)
- Online (Zoom)
- In the centers you can access course materials, textbooks, laptops, calculators, anatomy models, and more, all available for checkout in the building. Student study rooms are also available for reservation. Visit the TLC and make the most of their resources and services to achieve your academic goals!
- The Learning Centers
How do I request a TLC Tour or a Class Visit?
- You can schedule a time to bring your class to tour the TLC space, or TLC staff can
visit your class. Both options introduce your students to our services, but we recommend
tours when possible, as they help students become comfortable with our space.
- Request a TLC Tour or Class Visit with this form.
- Access the form with your MiraCosta Google account.
- Request a TLC Tour or Class Visit with this form.
How do I request to hold office hours in the TLC?
- Faculty can request to hold their office hours in the TLC at Oceanside, San Elijo, or Zoom.
- Access the form with your MiraCosta Google account.
How do I request TLC data?
- The Learning Centers collect data on student usage of the centers (ASIC, STEMLC, &
WC) during each term.
- Faculty can request data for their courses by submitting this form.
- Access the form with your MiraCosta Google account.
- Faculty can request data for their courses by submitting this form.
How do I recommend students to apply to work at TLC?
- We rely on faculty to assist us in identifying student candidates for future TLC peer
support positions.
- TLC peer support employees, including SI leaders, tutors, and writing consultants, serve as guides to learning rather than content experts.
- Excellent candidates are students from your current classes who understand the material (at the A or B grade level) and possess the ability to facilitate their peers' understanding of the material.
- We actively seek recommendations from faculty via email during the fall and spring
semesters for our typical December and May hiring periods (recommendations are due
by the beginning of week 12).
- If you have identified students who can fulfill the role of a TLC peer support employee, please participate in our recommendation process and encourage those students to apply.
- Outside of our typical hiring periods, please refer students to our TLC Jobs page and contact our Faculty Coordinators for additional information.
How can I learn more about the embedded support and supplemental instruction services
that TLC offers?
- Detailed information about TLC embedded support and supplemental instruction can be found on this website.