Portfolium helps you create an organized, visual record of your academic and professional accomplishments. Think of Portfolium as your own professional website; if you have more than one website, you can house them all in Portfolium. You can upload photos, videos, presentations, and papers to showcase your coursework, extracurricular achievements, volunteer activities, internships, and work experiences. You can also tag your skills so employers discover what you can do in addition to what you know – free – while you’re in school and after you graduate.
How to Start Building Your Portfolium
You should have received an email in the beginning of August with your unique login link. If you cannot find your email, you cancreate an accountand ask to join MiraCosta College’s Network. If you have questions, contact the Career Center at 760.795.6672.
How to Make the Most of Your Portfolium
Make your Portfolium stand out by attending on of our workshops this semester:
All workshopsare in OC 3105